25 September 2016


When I first started Meal Planning I felt really overwhelmed, especially after making my shopping list for the first week. I wasn’t sure I could afford to eat healthy. It took some debating and contemplating before I finally made it to the store and bought all I needed….. I knew deep inside that I had to start eating better and that there had to be easy ways to make it work. AND GUESS WHAT, After the first week it got easier and CHEAPER!

The part that many people don’t think about and what I didn’t think about was that you don’t have to buy EVERYTHING every week. Things like almonds, sunflower seeds, chicken, tortillas, popcorn, oil, vinegar, brown rice and so on, you don’t but every week. They last a few weeks before you have to buy more. There are a lot of servings in each pack when you are eating the right portions. So the first trip may seem like a lot but after that it evens right out. You’ll find that for the most part the only things you ae buying every week are the fresh fruit and veggies you’ll eat. You begin to have a little stock pile variety of food in your cupboard and freezer so some week you may hardly need to shop at all. That’s where I’m at this week.

When I buy chicken I buy a big pack and then divide it and freeze it into smaller packs at home. So this week I’m using some of that chicken I have, I also already have some tuna, frozen veggies, almonds & sunflower seeds, and yogurt. I have my shakes, had to pick up almond milk, I already have bananas that I froze from last week. With everything I could pretty much piece together what I had with just a few things I needed.

I also know that we are working on moving into our new house in the evenings this week, so dinners with the family will be on the fly, burgers, pizza, hot dogs and a crockpot meal. It makes it the perfect week to do a CLEAN OUT THE FREEZER MEAL PLAN!

It’s so easy, if I go do it you can do it. There is no need to over complicate meal planning. Let me help show you how easy it is. Leave a comment below and we can make you a plan for next week!