21 October 2016

The Happy Mom Project

Mom, mom, mom, you hear it a million times a day. You run wild chasing the kids, tossing around laundry, bathing dishes, just trying to keep it all together and somehow keep your sanity. It's so easy to loose ourselves in the daily grind. We loose the joy in each day, we don't appreciate the moment, we don't even know how we made it through the day. 

I've been there & some days am still there. Now I'm on a MOMMA MISSION

I'm ready to share all I've learned over the last year about, health fitness, relationships, kids, life and BALANCING IT ALL! It's hard, it takes a little practice and breaking some habits, but it is possible, and oh so worth it!

Being a mom is hard, add on too of that taking care of yourself, the home, the honey, school, work and so on. It can be madness!!! But that madness isn't reason for you not to feel like a human, like what you want and how you feel matters. Being a mom isn't just about caring for your little ones and everything else under the sun. You are still a person with goals, with things you like to do for yourself, a person who wants to be happy and confident in their own way too.

If you feel me, if you can relate then you'll wanna be part of this project! You shouldn't feel like you are just getting by everyday, like you are just there going through the motions! There is so much more to life! 

Join me and I will teach you all I've learned to becoming a balanced happy momma. You don't have to do it alone.

This fitness group will FOCUS on:
---> Working out consistently together
---> Eating healthy with Meal Plan Ideas & Prepping Tips
---> Ways to be more organized
----> Giving YOU practical ideas for building (or re-building) your relationship with your spouse
----> Fun ideas for intentional time with your kids
----> Specific ways to build your confidence
----> How to work through "Momma Guilt" when it comes to taking time for YOU.

You & Me taking ACTION together! It's time to get your life back, to get your HAPPY back! Comment below with your email or send it in the side bar !!