14 September 2016

Fall Into Your Fit !

Finding your Fit and groove when it comes to getting on track with a healthy lifestyle can be hard. Finding balance between real life where there are donuts and sweets and carbs and all kinds of of temptations EVERYWHERE is hard. Finding the motivation to get a workout in after a long day is hard.
We all no it's hard, what's even harder is trying to start and keep that healthy lifestyle on your own. It's hard to stay accountable to yourself, it's hard to keep yourself motivated, and it's hard to stick with it. 

Here is the shocker, you DONT have to do it alone, there are others struggling just the same. We can support each other. We can motivate each other. We can hold each other accountable. The only thing missing is YOU, we are all here.

I struggle myself still, but I keep at it, I leverage the support from my group and the accountability I have to them and being a coach. Half my reason for coaching is because I know I will stick with it with having other people counting on me. Where as if I was still doing it on my own I would have found a million excuses for why it was okay to give up. Commit to a group that won't let you quit. 

It's time to FALL INTO YOUR FIT. My next group will begin September 26th and I would LOVE for you to be a part of it! Then in our group we will talk about our WHY, make goals, create Meal Plans and do everything we need to in order to be SUCCESSFUL. You are ready for a change and I have it! You'll get a workout program of your choice. (30 minutes a day, that's it) You'll get access to our exclusive group mobile app, a super food shake each day, one on one coaching, and the SUPPORT ACCOUNTABILITY AND MOTIVATION of a group working towards the same goals as you!

Leave a comment below or send me a message to start planning your FIT!