13 November 2019

Busy Mom - Easy Meal Plan

I am forever on the run, seriously wide open busy and to add to that if something can go wrong in my day-to-day, it WILL go wrong. I inevitably chock this up to being a busy momma. Sound familiar? I can say, it used to be ten times worse. My running wild and crazy, always being busy, exhausted, and so on, but never really feeling like I was getting ahead or even catching up for that matter. 

Though it hasn't changed the craziness that revolves around me, being a planner, a list maker, a thinker ahead, has made me better. It's made me more centered, focused, and I actually achieve the things I set out to do each day. My meal planning is a part of this. I know that Saturday mornings I need to plan my meal BEFORE I go grocery shopping. I also plan our family dinners. There is a huge difference in going to the store with a plan and a list and going to the store and completely winging it.

My lunches are nothing extravagant or crazy, they are good fresh foods that I like and are convenient for me. Broccoli slaw, if you've never had it, is delicious and can be use so many different ways from cooked to cold. Adding sliced almonds to yogurt is far better than buying the ones with them already added (along with a ton of sugar) and it so tasty. And SHAKEOLOGY is my go-to, on the run, in a rush, need to feed me and fuel my body quick MEAL. My meal plan this week started with those 3 things that I'm craving and carried on from there. You don't have to have big extravagant recipes and such. Stick to what you know, find things you like and make it work for you. Need help? Message me and we can work on a plan together.