15 December 2019

smile, give a compliment, be kind.

Quiet sunday mornings are for cups of tea & reading. Personal development can be a mindset change of the greatest magnitude for anything you want to learn about. It's new perspective that gives you a better view of anything. From gaining perspective on those around you and what they may be feeling, to being able to self evaluate and see areas within yourself that can be improved. There is always room for personal development. Any goal, thought, idea of something you want to work on and there is a book, blog or podcast out there to help you. 

::: The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about :::

Everyone one has something they are battling and most times it's within themselves. The way you think of yourself, the way you talk to yourself, how you think others think of you, it's a battle in your mind everyday. Self-doubt, second guessing, low confidence, regret, they are battles. Battles that are just as tough as any that can be seen.

Don't take what you see of someone on the outside and think that they are any different or have it any easier than you do. I promise you they have a battle too. Go through your day knowing everyone else has a battle too, pass a little less judgement and share a smile, give a compliment. be kind.