13 December 2019

Takin care of You is taking care of your kids

Mommin' aint easy! #truth
I had been a new momma for pretty much a year before I decided I needed a change. I was STRUGGLING. exhausted. drowning. drained. pouring from an empty cup.
I did everything I could for the wild child in the making. EVERYTHING! story time. bath time. tummy time. play dates. 1am milk dates. sick days. teething. blowouts. crying for no apparent reason. All the good stuff. But I forgot the most important part.
Taking care of YOU is taking care of your kids! Our kids need us at our best. Our kids needs us happy. Our kids needs us confident. Our kids need us strong.
How do I accomplish so much in a day? I fill my cup, I take care of me and make sure I'm the best I can be for the mini. Nothing is more valuable to your kiddo than a happy momma.